Location-based services, safety-critical applications, and modern intelligent transportation systems require reliable, continuous, and precise positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) information. Although Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are the main source of PNT when available, modern PNT is based on the fusion of multiple advanced technologies. This talk will review some of the most prominent PNT technologies and detail their challenges and opportunities. Among the emerging trends, the talk will focus on the use of machine learning techniques in GNSS receivers. As in other engineering disciplines, machine learning provides a powerful set of tools to address problems that are otherwise difficult to solve analytically. In this context, the talk will discuss recent works in the development of deep neural network correlators for GNSS multipath mitigation; federated learning of GNSS jamming classifiers; or the new framework of augmented physics-based models (APBMs) for enhanced state estimation. As opposed to black-box models, APBMs highlight the need for exploiting the interplay between physics- and data-driven models, which yields to enhanced performance, explainability, and robustness.
Pau Closas is an Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston MA. He received the MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from UPC in 2003 and 2009, respectively. He also has a MS in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering from UPC, 2014. His primary areas of interest include statistical signal processing, stochastic filtering and machine learning, with main applications to positioning and localization systems. He is the recipient of the EURASIP Best PhD Thesis Award 2014, the 9th Duran Farell Award for Technology Research, the 2016 ION's Early Achievements Award, 2019 NSF CAREER Award, and the IEEE AESS Harry Rowe Mimno Award in 2022. He is the current EiC of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, has served in multiple editorial roles (e.g. NAVIGATION, Proc. IEEE, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., and IEEE Sig. Process. Mag.) and in conference organization committees (e.g. EUSIPCO, ICASSP, SSP, or PLANS).